1. Click the Windows Start button and click the gear icon (Settings).

  1. Click “Time & Language”.

  1. In the left panel, click “Language”.

  1. Click the “+” button next to “Add a language”.

  1. Type “Korean” in the search box, and press Enter. The option for the Korean language will appear below the search box. Select 한국어 (Korean) and click “Next”.

  1. There are 3 features that you can uncheck. Uncheck these options as below in the picture (Install Language Pack, Text-to-speech, Handwriting). Make sure to have the top 4 features unchecked. Click “Install”.

  1. Now the Korean keyboard is implemented. You will notice a small icon (“ENG”) appearing in your taskbar in the bottom right corner of your screen. That icon is a button you will use to switch between the English-Only mode and the Korean-Enabled mode of your keyboard.